Hey there, fountain pen friends, Sarah here! For this week's matchup, I chose the beautiful Robert Oster Bondi Blue ink and Nemosine Singularity Aqua fountain pen. To match the sheen in the Bondi Blue, I added a Re-Entry nib in 0.6mm stub for its shimmery red and blue colors. Read on the hear about my experiences with this pen and ink!
My inspiration for this piece came from my longing for warm weather. The winter cold is wearing me down, so my thoughts keep drifting back to the warm weather in Puerto Rico, where my husband and I went for our honeymoon recently. One day, when we were surfing, a sea turtle bobbed up and down through the clear turquoise waves right beside us. I had never seen a sea turtle so close up and it left a profound impression on me. I knew I wanted to draw a sea turtle because that moment immediately came to mind when I inked up the Aqua pen with the Bondi Blue.
I began the piece by first studying actual photos of sea turtles to get an idea for what their skin texture looked like. I then lightly sketched out the outline in pencil. I filled a water brush pen with water and dipped it into the cap of the bottle to soak the tip with a little bit of ink. I started laying down the color in big shapes, dipping into the cap each time I needed to add more ink for darker areas. I used the fountain pen to outline the turtle and add details as I went, switching between the water brush pen and the fountain pen.
The Bondi Blue ink dried beautifully, with some red sheen around the edges. I really tried to show the shading and qualities of the ink by using the water brush pen and it definitely worked. It was really enjoyable to see the range of how light and dark the ink can get. The Nemosine Singularity felt great in hand and was lightweight. The 0.6mm stub nib was perfect for showing off the ink, though I found it to write a little dry. Perhaps some light micromesh tuning or a wetter ink would benefit the flow. I wouldn't change a thing about this matchup though. This combo would be great for writing a card to someone or journaling. The stub nib adds so nice line variation and makes it look a little special.
Write on,
You can find the Nemosine Singularity in Aqua at GouletPens.com for $19.99. Robert Oster Bondi Blue is available in a 50ml bottle for $16 or a 2ml ink sample for $1.50.
Follow the directions below for a chance to win this pen and ink. We're excited to see what pen and ink you have matched!
How to enter Monday Matchup Giveaway:
- Match a pen and ink together. They don't have to match in color, any fountain pen and ink works.
- Take a picture of your pen and ink matchup.
- Find the entry details and instructions below on how to share your picture with us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or as a blog comment*.
- You can choose to enter only one way, or submit up to 4 different entries if you'd like. Feel free to use the same picture for all 4 entries.
- Confirm your entry via the Rafflecopter widget below which will record your entries. This is how we'll draw a random winner. Since it's totally random, you're eligible to win each week!
- To see more of Rafflecopter's privacy policy, click here. Your email is never shared, and is only used to contact you should you win.
- *Due to recent changes with the Disqus platform, you must register for a Disqus account in order to post a photo entry in the blog comments.
What is your favorite sheening ink?