"Io, insieme a molti altri istruttori, credo che gli strangolamenti detengano uno status speciale nei confronti delle leve articolari. Ci sono diverse ragioni per questo. In primo luogo, gli strangolamenti danno ai lottatori di jiu jitsu una gamma molto ampia di forza da applicare contro un avversario." John Danaher
Oggi ci sono molte varianti della ghigliottina come la Marcellotine, la Glovertine, la Ten finger choke, ma molte di queste sono ghigliottine che attaccano direttamente il collo. La ghigliottina di Josh Hinger è una ghigliottina col braccio dentro e con la presa al mento.
Josh Hinger è una cintura nera, attualmente sotto il team Atos di André Galvao e campione del mondo NOGI IBJJF 2016. Hinger spiega che questo DVD, realizzato in collaborazione con Fighthub, è un'introduzione agli infiniti modi e metodi per arrivare alla ghigliottina usata come finalizzazione o come uno stratagemma per attrarre l'attenzione dell'avversario sul collo e permettere di avanzare nelle posizioni con un ribaltamento o un passaggio di guardia.
John Danaher ha detto che è necessario avere almeno un buon strangolamento per attaccare da dietro e uno per attaccare frontalmente, in caso contrario, il proprio gioco complessivo rischia di essere carente. Hinger è abile ad applicare questo strangolamento da ogni posizione: in piedi e a terra, da sopra e da sotto in attacco o in difesa. Il bello di questa ghigliottina risiede nella sua versatilità.
A proposito della ghigliottina col braccio preso, Jeff Glover dice che iniziò ad allenarla dopo aver sentito parlare di questa finalizzazione da Renzo Gracie e che ora crede, invece, che la ghigliottina col braccio sia più efficace della ghigliottina senza braccio.
Daniel Strauss, per esempio, non considera la ghigliottina solo come una finalizzazione, ma come una posizione dalla quale finalizzare. Le transizioni e il controllo che una ghigliottina ti da - dice - è di ben più vasta portata che la finalizzazione in se stessa. Se considerate la ghigliottina solo come una finalizzazione allora siete ciechi alle molte opportunità che si aprono. La ghigliottina ti da un totale controllo del collo e della testa quindi siete in grado di manipolare e controllare tutto il corpo.
L'origine della Hingertine, il modo in cui Hinger ha sviluppato questa sua versione negli anni, viene da un suo training partner che lo proiettava ad ogni allenamento con un low single leg, fu così che iniziò a difendersi attaccando il collo ma l'unico modo modo che aveva per attaccarlo era afferrando il mento.
La prima cosa che mi ha colpito di questo DVD sono i dettagli. Il posizionamento delle braccia, le mani, i vari angoli che il corpo assume in relazione ai movimenti dell'avversario, tutto è mostrato in maniera accurata, con primi piani e differenti angolazioni.
Hinger ci dà un completo programma sulla ghigliottina col braccio preso facile da seguire. Molte delle tecniche fluiscono l'una nell'altra e vengono spiegate bene e lentamente.
Se sei un esperto di ghigliottine questo lavoro non può mancare nella tua videoteca, se non ami la ghigliottina dopo aver visto questo video ti dovrai ricredere, se sei tra quelli che pensano che la ghigliottina richiede solo forza bruta imparerai che è una finalizzazione estremamente tecnica che tutti possono usare.
La cosa più importante che ho imparato da questo video sono i tre principi per finire una ghigliottina col braccio dentro con la presa al mento: contrarre-stringere-curvare. Contrarre la testa verso il petto, stringere il gomito, curvare le mani verso la gola.
Il DVD Hingertine include:
01. Introduction
02. Hingertine Fundamentals 1
03. Hingertine Fundamentals 2
04. Low Single-Origin Story
05. Double Leg Defense
06. Single Leg Defense 1
07. Single Leg Defense 2
08. Closed Guard - basic set up
09. DLR Guard - kick the leg
10. Sit up Guard - "V" legs out
11. Sit up Guard - head snap
12. Butterfly Guard - leg extension
13. Butterfly Guard - stand with base
14. Butterfly Guard - roll under
15. Butterfly Guard - follow the roll
16. Butterfly Guard - Anaconda choke
17. Over under pass defense - chop and sit
18. DLR Guard Pass - anaconda
19. DLR Guard Pass - follow the guillotine
20. DLR Guard Pass - back roll to mount
21. Half-Guard Pass - mount and dismount
22. Half-Guard Pass - finish in guard
23. Half-Guard Pass - knee drive
24. Half-Guard Pass - back step
25. Mount 1 - finish from mount
26. Mount 2 - finish from 3/4 mount
27. Side Control 1 - finish from guard
28. Side Control 2 - finish in mount
29. Turtle - gi grip switch
30. Outro
31. Attack the turtle - bonus technique 1
32. Attack from Rear Mount - bonus technique 2
33. Standing Guillotine - bonus technique 3
34. Guillotine drill - bonus technique 3
Se stati cercando una delle più "letali" ghigliottine da inserire nel tuo arsenale questo DVD fa al caso tuo.
Puoi trovare il DVD a questo link link:
La cosa più importante che ho imparato da questo video sono i tre principi per finire una ghigliottina col braccio dentro con la presa al mento: contrarre-stringere-curvare. Contrarre la testa verso il petto, stringere il gomito, curvare le mani verso la gola.
Il DVD Hingertine include:
01. Introduction
02. Hingertine Fundamentals 1
03. Hingertine Fundamentals 2
04. Low Single-Origin Story
05. Double Leg Defense
06. Single Leg Defense 1
07. Single Leg Defense 2
08. Closed Guard - basic set up
09. DLR Guard - kick the leg
10. Sit up Guard - "V" legs out
11. Sit up Guard - head snap
12. Butterfly Guard - leg extension
13. Butterfly Guard - stand with base
14. Butterfly Guard - roll under
15. Butterfly Guard - follow the roll
16. Butterfly Guard - Anaconda choke
17. Over under pass defense - chop and sit
18. DLR Guard Pass - anaconda
19. DLR Guard Pass - follow the guillotine
20. DLR Guard Pass - back roll to mount
21. Half-Guard Pass - mount and dismount
22. Half-Guard Pass - finish in guard
23. Half-Guard Pass - knee drive
24. Half-Guard Pass - back step
25. Mount 1 - finish from mount
26. Mount 2 - finish from 3/4 mount
27. Side Control 1 - finish from guard
28. Side Control 2 - finish in mount
29. Turtle - gi grip switch
30. Outro
31. Attack the turtle - bonus technique 1
32. Attack from Rear Mount - bonus technique 2
33. Standing Guillotine - bonus technique 3
34. Guillotine drill - bonus technique 3
Se stati cercando una delle più "letali" ghigliottine da inserire nel tuo arsenale questo DVD fa al caso tuo.
Puoi trovare il DVD a questo link link:
"arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif; font-size: large;">http://ift.tt/2fSabY9
o poi scaricarlo a quest'altro link:
"I, along with many other instructors, believe that strangle holds have a special status above joint locks. There are several reasons for this. First, strangles give the jiu jitsu fighter a very wide range of force to apply against an opponent." John Danaher
Today there are many guillotine chokes variations like the Marcellotine the Mckenzietine, the Glovertine, The Ten Finger but most of them are guillotine without the arm in. The Josh Hinger's guillotine is a chin strap arm in guillotine choke.
Josh Hinger is a black belt, currently under Atos and Andre Galvao and NOGI IBJJF 2016 world champion. Hinger explains that this fighthub video series is an introduction to the limitless ways and methods to set a guillotine to submit or to use it as a ploy to attract the opponent's attention to the neck so you can advance in your position with a sweep or a guard pass.
John Danaher said that you must have, at least, one good strangle that you really apply well from the back and one from the front, if not, your game overall will suffer from the deficiency. Hinger is able to apply this technique to any position: standing and on the ground, from on top and on bottom, attacking and defendind positions. The beauty of this guillotine is its versatility,
About arm In Guillotine choke Jeff Glover said that he started training arm in guillotine after heard Renzo Gracie talking about it and now he believe that the arm in guilotine is a lot more useful then the guillotine without the arm in.
Daniel Strauss, for example, do not consider the guillotine just a submission, but a position that you can submit from. The transitions and control point If you view the guillotine as just a sub then you are blind to the many opportunities they open up. A guillotine give you full control of the neck and head and therefore you’re able to manipulate and control the entire body.
The origin of the Hingertine, the way Hinger develope this version over the years, come from one of his training partner that shoot the low single on him every day of training, so what he started to do to defend himself was to attack the head, but the only way he could attack the neck was to grap the chin.
The first thing that strikes me about this DVD are the details. The positioning of the arms, the hands, the various angles that the body assume in relationship with his opponent movements, everything is accurately shown with close-ups and different camera angles. Hinger gives us a complete arm-in guillotine game that is easy to follow and very well explained.
I’ve watched a lot of instructional videos and I haven’t seen or remember anyone showing guillotine wearing a Gi. Apart from the final bonus section the techniques are explained with the Gi. The guillotine is not widely used with The Gi reason why this instructional covers a technical area not so much explored until now.
Most of the techniques flow into one another and If you are a guillotine expert this work should not miss in your video library, if you do not like the guillotine after watching this video you'll have to think again, if you're among those who think that the guillotine requires only brute force you will learn that this is an extremely technical submission that anyone can use.
The most important thing I learned from this video are the three principles to finish the chin strap guillotine: Crunch-Pinch-Curl. Crunch the head to the chest, pinch the elbow, curl the hands into the throat.
The Hingertine Instructional DVD Includes:
01. Introduction
02. Hingertine Fundamentals 1
03. Hingertine Fundamentals 2
04. Low Single-Origin Story
05. Double Leg Defense
06. Single Leg Defense 1
07. Single Leg Defense 2
08. Closed Guard - basic set up
09. DLR Guard - kick the leg
10. Sit up Guard - "V" legs out
11. Sit up Guard - head snap
12. Butterfly Guard - leg extension
13. Butterfly Guard - stand with base
14. Butterfly Guard - roll under
15. Butterfly Guard - follow the roll
16. Butterfly Guard - Anaconda choke
17. Over under pass defense - chop and sit
18. DLR Guard Pass - anaconda
19. DLR Guard Pass - follow the guillotine
20. DLR Guard Pass - back roll to mount
21. Half-Guard Pass - mount and dismount
22. Half-Guard Pass - finish in guard
23. Half-Guard Pass - knee drive
24. Half-Guard Pass - back step
25. Mount 1 - finish from mount
26. Mount 2 - finish from 3/4 mount
27. Side Control 1 - finish from guard
28. Side Control 2 - finish in mount
29. Turtle - gi grip switch
30. Outro
31. Attack the turtle - bonus technique 1
32. Attack from Rear Mount - bonus technique 2
33. Standing Guillotine - bonus technique 3
34. Guillotine drill - bonus technique 3
If you’re looking to add one of the most "letal" Guillotine to your game this is a great place to start.
You can have the DVD version at this link:
or download it to this other link:
o poi scaricarlo a quest'altro link:
"I, along with many other instructors, believe that strangle holds have a special status above joint locks. There are several reasons for this. First, strangles give the jiu jitsu fighter a very wide range of force to apply against an opponent." John Danaher
Today there are many guillotine chokes variations like the Marcellotine the Mckenzietine, the Glovertine, The Ten Finger but most of them are guillotine without the arm in. The Josh Hinger's guillotine is a chin strap arm in guillotine choke.
Josh Hinger is a black belt, currently under Atos and Andre Galvao and NOGI IBJJF 2016 world champion. Hinger explains that this fighthub video series is an introduction to the limitless ways and methods to set a guillotine to submit or to use it as a ploy to attract the opponent's attention to the neck so you can advance in your position with a sweep or a guard pass.
John Danaher said that you must have, at least, one good strangle that you really apply well from the back and one from the front, if not, your game overall will suffer from the deficiency. Hinger is able to apply this technique to any position: standing and on the ground, from on top and on bottom, attacking and defendind positions. The beauty of this guillotine is its versatility,
About arm In Guillotine choke Jeff Glover said that he started training arm in guillotine after heard Renzo Gracie talking about it and now he believe that the arm in guilotine is a lot more useful then the guillotine without the arm in.
Daniel Strauss, for example, do not consider the guillotine just a submission, but a position that you can submit from. The transitions and control point If you view the guillotine as just a sub then you are blind to the many opportunities they open up. A guillotine give you full control of the neck and head and therefore you’re able to manipulate and control the entire body.
The origin of the Hingertine, the way Hinger develope this version over the years, come from one of his training partner that shoot the low single on him every day of training, so what he started to do to defend himself was to attack the head, but the only way he could attack the neck was to grap the chin.
The first thing that strikes me about this DVD are the details. The positioning of the arms, the hands, the various angles that the body assume in relationship with his opponent movements, everything is accurately shown with close-ups and different camera angles. Hinger gives us a complete arm-in guillotine game that is easy to follow and very well explained.
I’ve watched a lot of instructional videos and I haven’t seen or remember anyone showing guillotine wearing a Gi. Apart from the final bonus section the techniques are explained with the Gi. The guillotine is not widely used with The Gi reason why this instructional covers a technical area not so much explored until now.
Most of the techniques flow into one another and If you are a guillotine expert this work should not miss in your video library, if you do not like the guillotine after watching this video you'll have to think again, if you're among those who think that the guillotine requires only brute force you will learn that this is an extremely technical submission that anyone can use.
The most important thing I learned from this video are the three principles to finish the chin strap guillotine: Crunch-Pinch-Curl. Crunch the head to the chest, pinch the elbow, curl the hands into the throat.
The Hingertine Instructional DVD Includes:
01. Introduction
02. Hingertine Fundamentals 1
03. Hingertine Fundamentals 2
04. Low Single-Origin Story
05. Double Leg Defense
06. Single Leg Defense 1
07. Single Leg Defense 2
08. Closed Guard - basic set up
09. DLR Guard - kick the leg
10. Sit up Guard - "V" legs out
11. Sit up Guard - head snap
12. Butterfly Guard - leg extension
13. Butterfly Guard - stand with base
14. Butterfly Guard - roll under
15. Butterfly Guard - follow the roll
16. Butterfly Guard - Anaconda choke
17. Over under pass defense - chop and sit
18. DLR Guard Pass - anaconda
19. DLR Guard Pass - follow the guillotine
20. DLR Guard Pass - back roll to mount
21. Half-Guard Pass - mount and dismount
22. Half-Guard Pass - finish in guard
23. Half-Guard Pass - knee drive
24. Half-Guard Pass - back step
25. Mount 1 - finish from mount
26. Mount 2 - finish from 3/4 mount
27. Side Control 1 - finish from guard
28. Side Control 2 - finish in mount
29. Turtle - gi grip switch
30. Outro
31. Attack the turtle - bonus technique 1
32. Attack from Rear Mount - bonus technique 2
33. Standing Guillotine - bonus technique 3
34. Guillotine drill - bonus technique 3
If you’re looking to add one of the most "letal" Guillotine to your game this is a great place to start.
You can have the DVD version at this link:
or download it to this other link: