How will you be preparing to celebrate Fountain Pen Day next Friday, November 4th? Here are some ideas to help you get ready:
- Have a pen cleaning party to get your fountain pen collection ready to be inked and used.
- Spread the fountain pen love by letting a coworker or friend try out one of your fountain pens for the first time.
- Spend some time writing handwritten notes to mail out next Friday. Need some ideas of who to write to? We'd bet your grandmother, childhood best friend, or favorite teacher would love hearing from you.
- Jump into the conversations happening with the online fountain pen community. Check out different pages and groups on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You could also share blogs or videos to spread the joy of writing with a fountain pen.
To help you celebrate Fountain Pen Day, we've decided to
give away 4 Lamy Safari Red gift sets! Each set comes with a Lamy Safari fountain pen, a Z24 converter, a pack of cartridges and a bottle of red ink. It's the perfect way to get started using fountain pens!
This contest will be open Friday October 28th until Thursday November 3, 2016 at 11:59pm EST. We'll then randomly select 4 winners and will announce each of them on Friday November 4th (Fountain Pen Day!) here on the blog and across our social media channels. Click here for our official contest rules.
So tell us - how will you be celebrating Fountain Pen Day?
Write on,
The Goulet Pen Company Team
This contest will be open Friday October 28th until Thursday November 3, 2016 at 11:59pm EST. We'll then randomly select 4 winners and will announce each of them on Friday November 4th (Fountain Pen Day!) here on the blog and across our social media channels. Click here for our official contest rules.
So tell us - how will you be celebrating Fountain Pen Day?
Write on,
The Goulet Pen Company Team