Apologies for all of the class announcements. I have been juggling various things trying to make sure that everything gets done in time. Next up on the list is announcing my November workshops at The Occasional Artist in Glendale, AZ. It's always funny to me how some artists announce their workshops years in advance. In my twenty years of teaching, I'm not used to doing it that way. I've always booked and announced classes a couple of months ahead of time as much as possible because that's how the venues that I taught at did it. Little things that are
probably interesting only to me.
Tristan starts school next week. We are still carless at the moment so we're trying to figure things out. He is excited to get back to school and I am excited for him. He works so hard and loves what he is doing. I am hopeful for him and his future.
It seems to be that we're always on an adventure lately (and I'm not talking about the kind that we want to be on) and I am hoping that things quiet down just a little bit so we can get back on some sort of schedule again.